Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What Pokemon Would Look Like With Genitels

Rest assured that I think

final point I make tonight on the situation, returning from a trip to Bologna-Return Trip Orvieto, where I met with the Undersecretary of the Interior Alfredo Mantovano. I see from a distance and was immediately sick. He says that we are uncivilized, because we wrote and sent thousands of e-mail and faxes and that the associations "normal" will write a "... with all the signatures below, all together . "So " I replied, "Do first to throw them away ..." .
goes on to say that we have blocked the e-mail and does not seem to grasp that for every point there are at least 4 or 5 ratings, which write a letter that there is a lot harder to vote, or, perhaps, leave board white. Should start the discussion on the decree, response verbatim: " not worry, everything is under control .
I do not like, it reminds me of the phrase Visitors aliens on the show, which aired in the eighties: " not worry, we'll do . Turns eyes and think of some lie that I sense to be trimmed. Dare to insist, are months they tell me all feel comfortable and then change the subject, "Mr I can say that I support the magazines that you have told to stay quiet? Also on the charge? ". The question is direct route, not expecting this and we are already seeing in poor water. Stumbles and deep thinking: "No, not on charging, we did what we could to limit the damage" . I try again, I can not believe it "At least the text may make it known, is like a secret military project, I do not even have congressmen and senators." And he, even less convincing: "but how, secret! Have you all. We saw it on your sites . Paravati alludes to the decree, which FISAT has published three articles on private polygons, Soft air and, of course, charged. At this point I read in my face that I realized that you are taking me around and try to turn the omelet again: "It's your fault, you must follow these things in Europe was the European directive and we could not help but that perform "
. I might even tolerate being ripped off by a political team that I voted, but at least I thought I had gained at least a right to know clearly who he was and who my opponent was on my side. I realize that despite the years that I have, I have not learned anything in life. I try one last card: " The directive is not about charging, but to combat the trafficking of illegal weapons, and there is a criminal charge, you made a law much broader and restrictive delegation of the European Directive '. And here comes the master stroke by which, as a politician sailed, pretending to misunderstand: 'course, and in fact we are in contravention' . I leave it up, we have nothing to say.
Here's how things are
Let me tell you how it went really. In 2008 a Directive 2008/51/EC, which is absolutely pro-gun. says inter alia that can be used to raise the level of permits and that minors have a right of access to weapons, except in the form of a purchase.
is pro-gun, but the commanding officer at the time that weapons and explosives, the Office prepares an anti-gun, where the Parliament delegated the Government to "regulate" balls shells caps, the replica Soft Private air and polygons, a number of aspects in your delegation does not exist but which have always been the object of his illegal circular so as to be regularly disregarded, including the invention that can be charged only ammunition purchased, the polygons that private must have a recovery plan lead (but what does the Ministry of the Interior?) that the dynamic shooting paramilitary activities for which minors can not practice it.
Meanwhile Prodi government falls. The all pass over in silence at the end of July 2009. The parliament passed the new measure, they say without reading (I have confirmed, before two witnesses, Senator Peruzzotti Sassi lawyer at the Ministry of Interior).
return home late in the evening: I read the e-mail messages to some friends worried well informed from inside UITS, in which the wall of silence erected by the same nomenclature against the presidents of the Chamber is beginning to lose pieces.
tell me all more or less the same thing: "I have a friend who has hooks into all'Uits in Rome and told me that the decree will provide for charging only with the permission of the local prefect, and upon certification and passing the a course. They tell me stuff that UITS is safe, you know something? ".
have 30-40 messages that come from many different polygons on the peninsula and we confirmed two things that we preach for some time. The first is that the obscene wall of silence is beginning to lose the pieces, because those who know are beginning to cantarsela: I think I see them as conspirators plot ... " know, I tell you one thing, but you do not tell anyone, do not you ever wake up and be aware of being citizens with rights ... .
The second thing that tells us without doubt is that the President of UITS Ernfried Obrist knows everything and for some time, the president of Fitav Luciano Rossi knows everything and for some time.
president Anpam, Perrotti lawyer, knows everything from before them, despite saying still do not have the text of the secret decree.
They pretend not to know why blow your rights as law-abiding citizens will be so great that it can not be sustainable in any way face him. The strategy is, in short, to pretend not to know anything, pretend that everything is once again falling objects.
As long
They have taken away our confidence, saying that "we would think them" and now we are faced with a secret decree on the verge of approval (missing only a consultative discussion classrooms at the two MPs) that assoggetterĂ  charging a license of the prefect or Quaestor examination.
But it gets worse. What really should make us angry is the fact that the politicians who have Cast (and leading sports associations) and the nomenclature of power (as the leaders of associations) have made different choices than those for which we had delegates. It's always happened and will continue to happen in democracies. If the Northern League, of the party in favor of gun ownership for law-abiding citizens turned into an anti-weapons "crisis of conscience" of an interior minister who has not tremp to follow the requests of its citizens because it is too busy playing the saxophone, is one thing we can be. What makes me indignant is that they continue to say that everything is under control. Rest assured that we'll do.
The battle is far from over: we are preparing a letter of outrage (divided by PDL and Lega Nord) which you can send to your congressmen and senators, because in September there will be discussion and consultation in the classroom, although only advisory We know that politically they can push the Interior Minister Maroni will stay because this crap before it's effective.
Ask to meet: If you have a channel put them in touch with us so that we can send him the material and do everything that we can to stop this indecency of the decree, because once approved will not change any more .
I also ask you to write also a letter of outrage to the following groups who have always known and still pretend not to know:
- Anpam, via Astronomy 30, 00144 Rome, anpam@tin.it ;

- Fitav, Viale Tiziano 74, 00196 Rome, presidenza@fitav.it ;

- UITS, Viale Tiziano 70, 00196 Rome, @ Chair uits.it .

You must also send a statement to the following companies are part of Anpam, warning them from supporting such a shame that would be repaid with the cessation of purchases (all addresses found in the site) Baschieri and pellagra, Tanfoglio, Benelli, Beretta, Fiocchi, Breda Otomelara, Cheddar, Inter, Em, Mec-gar, Nobel Group sport, Perazzi, Rc Eximport , Rizzini, industrial explosives company.
find letters and addresses on the site campagnafisat.it Let me hear the page. Also you can make you feel at the deputies and senators of the League in August that will participate in the festivals. Make him feel that you have been betrayed.
This decree shall not pass, but if the past may still fight, because there are two more months to see him again before final approval. It will be a winter of hard struggle for our rights so be prepared to make you feel. Finally, if this crap decree will ask you to punish in an exemplary manner by the vote this majority, whose leaders have told you not to worry because we would think them, and boycott any way in those associations, sporting or industrial, who have terms with the fact the opponent over your shoulder and now do not even have the courage to tell you in the face.
I will ask you to vote on white card (or possibly to the opposition) and boycott the brands that support these associations, because we will pay it to him with the first vote, in the second with portfolios.
I am also sure that a large company of ammunition, a couple of months before the last Exa, went to ask the UN to "regulate" the charge. I hope to be proved wrong, I hope at least 4 months since FISAT started this campaign, but nothing is happening but a deafening silence.
And now please leave me querelino, evidence that we have to sell and we will not hesitate to turn the process into an event-truth where the individual sins come out once and for all and where I will have to try once for how things really are and that our American friends knew long before that on Exa prohibition on charging they had made an agreement long ago, months before the show.
with fellow travelers such as these it is best not to take away or, if you really have to do it, you should not revolve his back and close my eyes, even in the park.
The only "good" news that runs in a well-informed is that very soon (will be connected?) We will probably open up the 9 para solely for export procedures. Wait to be happy, do not do it for you but because the weapons common to export just the permission of the superintendent, but now it takes para 9 for the ministry, nor were anti-tank missiles. Me tomorrow while I unravel my Tanfoglio: the present of my gunsmith unless, after reading these pages, you agree, otherwise the police will pour in after the lumber truck (no one should use it after me).
Maybe now that we have bought me a Glock: You know I care about the Italian product, if every time you can bring me another leash? And now I have the courage to refute it.
They tell you to rest assured, I greet you with the cry of the American revolutionaries: "Stand Your Ground . Hold on, do not give up the land, write to all even if you are on vacation. If we take this disgrace is not hard will pass and we have nothing to envy the Americans. We have all of August and September and then again the second phase (audit) that will last at least until December.
go to pages and alarm directly to the page to find out what to do WHAT TO DO TO STOP THIS SUCKS


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