There was accustomed to strong emotions.
The "best regards" arrived at the right time and have two days to become a
alternate Italian
Then I will tell you when to stop calling me Professor.
Maybe just Monday morning.
Then I'll understand that I have only offered an acid (metaphorically) and that he did not do anything. For now, that's what I needed, is a journey that I wanted to do a lot.
The transformation is taking place.
1) download the programs of the Ministry. Without
2) purchase a text to get to middle school practice. Without
3) telephone call to that already being taught and give two straight. Without
4) stand the look of half semidisoccupata RINCO acquired last month (urgent hairdresser, antiborse eye cream, anti occhiosecco new lenses and cracked from too much video). Ongoing.
5) stretch around the 30 kg of clothes piled on the board. Do
6) to decide exactly what to do first day. Ongoing .
7) to fill up the car to the first school to call me darling. Without
8) take a corrective sleep-wake to wake up perky and full of energy to 7:00 am. The most difficult , but almost in progress.
9) take a look determined to avoid being decimated by the Horde preteen.
10) sacrifice fly to some god of bad luck to prevent the two from the list displayed suddenly unavailable. Do absolutely .
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