first time first time the Royal Ballet. The ballet
To read the poster, for a profane like me, the show seemed interesting and promising. It was push Russel Maliphant , coreagrafo dancer, Sylvie Guillem and .
were only places "with reduced visibility," the girl who sold me the ticket a bit 'disappointed after I refused to choose a ballet alternative. Thank goodness I'm a stubborn and I peg away! From the seat assignments could not have a bat, actually, but then someone has moved and I gained ten positions toward the center of the room.
Seeing him, PUSH, even for a profane like me, is exciting, perfect and highly emotional. There were two but they seemed a lot more, which is why the photos, even if it seems appropriate focus. There were more, in fact, because there were too light (by Michael Hulls) to multiply the body and add meaning to the movements and music (by Andy Cowton) to regulate emotions. Four on the choreography, all different and all very beautiful. The last two of the most engaging.
TWO , Guillem solos, "one of the most dazzling and original creations Maliphant" a crescendo that explodes in the finale as a rotating deviscio, with hands and feet thanks to the lights Michael Hulls become tongues of fire, light and motion blur. The dancer's body seems to evaporate into the vortex. "
PUSH, pas de deux:" Swinging, dropping their bodies in a free fall or by increasing the energy that binds them, the two dancers are caught in the intimacy of their language intensely physical. There is something haunting in their slow and sensual connection, as if the choreography had been carved in the absence of gravity. "
I wanted it to continue.
Finally, twenty minutes of applause, and their happy faces as they returned many designed to thank the audience.
After 13 years in Turin, I was very curious to see the Royal Theatre.
may not say it will end ugly, but to me it seemed just that: bad. Covered with a red-stained wood that made me think about boats (marine style?) Combined with the strange purple decorations (?), With the boxes ridiculously hung without a reason, to dress the whole, a fair echo at times. A stage deep-hidden by a heavy frame and useless - unless the stated purpose was not to hide the stage.
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