Friday, July 27, 2007
Tattoos For Women On Stomach

Thursday, July 26, 2007
Family Vacation Northeast Us
idea by Mrs. Placida pleased to now no cubicles here and things piled up at random.
Today I'll sit in the kitchen. Even now if only I cook out of necessity and not just when it can do without the kitchen should be comfortable. For this I have recently made some changes (bicolor) and some details are still to be completed. But basically lived here only six years, no?
Here it is my kitchen.
The right side is about as moving house. pity for sunflower cut the fine shot.

And this is but the left side as has been recently changed. Gone the odious old faux granite table (a lightness of youth), the boiler style mammoths disappeared.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Post Scabies But Getting New Bumps
Here we go again. I did it again. I bought another book for the holidays: Women that the facts of Fruttero.
Actually I have not even set foot in a bookstore. Only now that the books you sell them anywhere so it's easy to get into a hifi shop with the idea to buy some electronic gadget for someone else and come out with a little something for you, paper. For birthdays there's always another time.
I picked up just because someone told me that it would read. I was not so much the idea, then I read the cover for the larks, the one behind:
Self-esteem, self-esteem, more self-esteem, it can not be better than this damned self-esteem, said my husband (ex) Jacopo. It gave him the word on the nerves, the psycho-scientific pretensions. But you (me and my friends), you would say that Joan of Arc is self-esteem? and Judith, as he cut the head of that there? There was a word that defines very well the thing: pride. The story was full of proud women, Cleopatra, Catherine the Great, Roman matrons, poets, I know. Full. Poor self-esteem was a word from home: self-cleaning, autofriggente, autosmacchiante ...
I bought it immediately. Yes, because it looks funny and I'm not exactly Joan of Arc. I am a poor woman, a housewife, part-time, part-timissimo with a job and I desperately need something autosmacchiante and self-cleaning.
Then there is an investigation.
Then there are eight different women. Then
Fruttero is a great irony old intelligent and irreverent. Well perhaps I immediately began to read it.
esteem I had found something. Setting and with a more engaged approach to "gender". No matter which one is male or female to sin under self-esteem but it is damn true that females continue to be planned right from the cradle to be transparent, to step aside, a "veil" Woolf said, I think. In
Lexicon of the difference (by Aida Ribero Centre of Studies of the thought female) is the voice esteem (Paola Leonardi), together with 13 golden rules. These are things that you know, that seem so obvious as not having to even talk. Instead I think it is better to remember them. For this reason, I reprint here:
1 with people who make us feel good, choose places and activities that give us good health and nutrition physical, mental, spiritual
2 be available for others without neglecting ourselves, " never give more than we can give "
3 offer and donate what they wish to receive;
4 recognize the right to say no , expressing "what I hear, I think, what I want";
5 accept only those situations where we feel our practice or home without consent in those that seem wrong;
6 grant time and space, just for us;
7 allocated more importance to our feel that to think of others
8 appreciate as we are, not need to be perfect ;
9 provide availability to others, without submitting to their circumstances;
10 know how to ask, to show the need, without providing self-sufficiency and independence iperfunzionalità as an expression of strength;
11 avoid toxic relationships with men (and women), narcissus, self-centered;
12 enhance sexual difference ;
13 be open to change.
Seem obvious.
I am not at all.
Iron On Transfer Metal

and even the balls that turn

Sunday, July 22, 2007
Does Freezing Tags Hurt?
poet's house Originally uploaded by
begin with the poets.
When I was a little girl and the rock along the road along the creeks were hundreds (I think) of all colored wooden sheds, poet lived alone in a hut made of branches around the bush, Centenary (I think, are uncertain about the hundreds), born on the sand dunes behind the big beach called Pistis . Around the hut of the poet there was and still is a small garden. To my mother, my aunt and my cousins \u200b\u200bwent at once to find the poet who welcomed everyone and gave perhaps his poems, only asked that guests sign a notebook or leave a comment there. I had just learned to write in the winter of my first grade and I was on vacation for some weeks: I remember the anguish with which I tried to converge on my long nomecognome quadernino. Then do not ever come back through the dunes to look for the poet. I did it just last winter, the afternoon of the photo above, and the poet, of course, by now it was gone. The question of inspiration
of this post was very simple: which means that word Pistis?
The answer, sincere honest is "I do not know." Since I know not, I'm going to try it, no?
Pistis is the name of a stretch of beach on the west coast of Sardinia, near the village where I grew up with this fact, we have grown, which is the name of a place, I never laid on problem. It would be like asking which means chess Fregene, Rimini, much if not all city names. Yeah but maybe those are the city. From the beaches we thank the gods and men and the sea and the pirates are not in town. Almost never. But the fact is that a meaning 't have (or have had) the names of places. And the place names is something very interesting. But unfortunately I do not know little, indeed nothing. Pistis
So going to try to trust Google I found that this is a feminine noun in the Bible (oh my God but I do not know in what language) derived from a verb pe ... qw which means persuaded, believe, trust. I do not know what could be the meaning in Sardinia. But that verb there has a good meaning of any language is. What then of hypotheses on the relationship between the ancient peoples of the sea, Sardinia and the Bible there are more, and are very attractive. Who knows if there is a link? I try to
Sardinian dictionary and can not find anything there, either. Maybe I'd need a dictionary of place names to find out more or maybe just ask someone who knows more than me. Does anyone know which means Pistis in Sardinia?